Saturday, August 05, 2006

You're Kidding Me, Right?

Apparently, this magazine cover is drumming up a lot of controversy.

C'mon! This is a baby eating, where babies are supposed to eat.

Do people have such virginal eyes that this photo is somehow wrong?

It is a sad world if we ever forget where babies are supposed to be fed.

Not everyone can breastfeed, which is why bottles and formula were invented. But, they weren't invented in order to replace some kind of gross habit.

Every woman owes it to herself to try to breastfeed their baby. It doesn't always work out, but it's not really supposed to be a "choice" any more than you can choose where the baby comes out. Breasts are supposed to make milk. Is this such a strange concept to people?

I think this photo was tastefully done. I mean, if there was some sexy red lace in there and if the baby was dressed in a little pimp hat, then I'd wonder. Otherwise, this is nothing unusual that people should even think twice about. Well, whatever. I am just sad that there are women who still think that way about the functions of a female body. It's too bad for them, but maybe not their fault - perhaps someone told them that doing what all female mammals do is somehow wrong.


Blogger William H Wilkins III said...

Found your blog through our mutual interest in the entertainment business. I agree, that it's sad, 'Very' sad, when an innocent and completely non-sexual photo of a baby breast feeding causes objection like this. Comes to show that some people need to get out more .. !

8:57 PM  

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