Monday, April 11, 2005

Cinderella Sundays and Talkin' to Walken

Sometimes, I just want to catch up on housework. Yesterday was beautiful here in Charlotte, the weather was perfect for being outdoors. So, I sent my boys out with my husband to have fun. While they went to the park for a picnic, to Old Navy to get some sandals, to the grocery store, etc, and played outside most of the day, I spent my time indoors. I finally got around to some heavy dusting in my large foyer, did the floors, laundry and organized a couple of cupboards. It felt good to catch up, but I couldn't help but feel like Cinderella just a little bit, every time I glanced at the beautiful day outside.

At about three o'clock, Cinderella got her reward. It is not very often that I get a call from Chris Walken. In fact, it's been almost a year since I spoke to him on the phone. The fan club had sent him a gift for his birthday, and he was calling to thank us. You'd think I would be a bit taken off-guard by such a legendary actor calling me, but he is just such a normal guy on the phone. I really wasn't nervous. Our members had all sent in messages or their favorite quotes to Chris, which I had printed out on perfectly sized cards, and stacked inside a beautiful handmade wooden box. All the quotes sent in were great, from Mae West to Kevin Spacey. A very good variety. This was a very good way for Walken fans to express their admiration, and a good way for Chris to occasionally pull out a thought provoking or interesting message and read it, and be reminded that he always has the support of his fans. I guess he appreciated the gift.

Chris also mentioned he will be filming the movie Click, with Adam Sandler during the summer. He also said that he was invited to go to the Dubrovnick Film Festival and that he had never been to that part of the world. He noted that the climate there is much like southern Italy and that it is situated off the Adriatic Sea. He's looking forward to his trip to such a beautiful place.

The short conversation ended with me thanking Chris for getting in touch. He doesn't know how much it means to his fans to get an acknowledgement for a gift. Many fans have sent him things over the years and of course it is very hard for Chris to have time to acknowledge every little thing he receives. But, of course, it's nice to have these rare moments when he does.


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