Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Kindergarten to come...

David Cox Elementary
Originally uploaded by candy.
We attended an assembly today at David Cox Elementary School, specifically for parents and rising kindergarteners. Ethan will be starting at David Cox this fall. Ethan's school next year is not far from our house at all. In fact, it is quite within walking distance. But, because of the logisitcs of how our mornings will go, (one off to preschool, one off to kindergarten) we have signed him up to take the bus *gulp* The bus stop is actually right at our house, so it will be easy to get him on every morning (provided mom can stop weeping... kidding)

Some family members might know that Ethan decided a while back that he'd like to one day become a "Dolphin Doctor" and help sick dolphins. Coincidentally, the school mascot is a Dolphin!! I suppose before he gets his degree in veteranary medicine with a cetacean specialty, he will have to learn to read and write, and maybe tie his shoes.


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